You block to the inside with your left hand and counter-attack with your right hand at the same time and it's faster! This is one reason I'm surprised the same limb blocking and striking work so well!Examples of Blocking and Striking with The Same LimbThese are combinations I've personally executed successfully to give you an idea what to what I'm referring. Blocking and striking with the same leg or arm? What happened to the other weapons we carry as part of our bodies everyday? I have to tell you though I've had some good success with this method of counter-attack, but it does have it's disadvantages as well...Advantages of Blocking and Striking with The Same LimbAn Opening is Immediately CreatedI block in close and snap my hands to increase the force of my block or parry.Nike Requin, You're opponent executes a right hooking punch. Even then they don't win because having a threatening weapon inside their defenses is an unusual experience for them.Disadvantages of Blocking and Striking with The Same LimbThis Won't Work Against a Martial Artist Who Blocks Equally Well With Both Hands Now think about that before you say, "yup that's me." When's the last time you got your hand trapped and avoided being hit or kicked with your other arm without even thinking about it?There's a Tendency to Block and Then Counter-AttackI've caught myself pausing after a block to counter-attack with the same limb instead of just continuing with the motion. Richard Kirkham is a dual certified teacher. It happens! You're sparring with some guy who could potentially kill you if he/she or you have a bad day there's a tendency to make sure you don't get hit!Technically It's Slower!Think about it. So if that hand is suddenly extended outward, you almost see a look of shock on their faces when they see a fist or knife-hand strike coming at their unprotected side of their head or neck.Because these martial artists almost always block with one limb, they often try to race me back to the block. This seems especially true if their front hand has executed the attack. Because of this my opponent or attacker must reach out for me, thus creating an opening on the same side.The One Hand with Which to Block SyndromeI can't tell you how many experienced martial artists I have sparred with that think they only have one limb with which to block. For some reason block with the rear hand seems to have not developed as a reflexChaussures Gucci in as many martial artists as I'd like to see it develop. The choice is yours as always to expand your horizons by finding fault with my theories after testing them or to agree with them slightly, change them and make them your own.About The AuthorSensei J. Please do not try these except under the guidance of a qualified instructor.Right Hooking Hand-StrikeLeft inside to outside knife-hand block.Left hooking cross to the chin.Right Hooking Hand-StrikeLeft inside to outside knife-hand blockLeft outside to inside knife-hand strike to the neck.Right Hooking Hand-StrikeRight outside to inside knife-hand blockRight back-fist to the noseRight Hooking Hand-StrikeRight outside to inside knife-hand blockRight inside to outside knife-hand strike to the neckRight Roundhouse Groin Kick (shin, instep or toe of shoe)Raise Left KneeLeft front-kick to the groin without setting your foot down.Right Roundhouse Groin Kick (shin, instep or toe of shoe)Raise Right KneeRight side-kick to the supporting knee without setting your foot down.ConclusionAsChaussures Lacoste you can see you have some martial arts techniques to either consider, practice or of course as some martial artists do, nothing at all. He's been in martial arts over 36 years.For drills which improve your ability to block with both limbs and counter-attack regardless of your level please see Bringing The Martial Artist Out from Within free as well to get his Free Punching and Kicking Power Tips